
saib Wallet

  • Send and receive money easily
  • Recharge balance, pay bills (such as: mobile phone bills, landline phone and internet)
  • Withdraw and deposit money through our branches and ATMs bearing the Meeza logo.
  • Issuance of a virtual card for online purchases locally with a maximum of 3000 EGP (the card expires one month after the date of issuance)
  • Donations to various organizations.


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How to start?
Start using saib wallet in 7 easy steps
  1. Visit the nearest branch of the bank, or call the call center 16668
  2. Fill out the registration form with the need for a valid national ID card for the service applicant.
  3. You will receive SMS confirming the successful registration process and containing a link to download the application
  4. Enter the mobile number registered on the Saib Wallet application
  5. You will receive SMS containing the activation code 
  6. Enter the code to activate the service in the Saib Wallet application
  7. Create a 6-digit wallet PIN code.

Subscription requirements:

• Registered mobile number without subscription in any other wallet.
• Valid National ID.
• Only one e-wallet account can be activated for each mobile number, a maximum of 3 e-wallets per National ID.

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